Sunday, January 29, 2012

2.84 stimulation of receptors in the sense organs sends electrical impulses along nerves into and out of the central nervous system, resulting in rapid responses

  • The messages that nerves carry are called "nerve impilses". They are electrical signals.
  • They pass very quickly along the axon of the neuron which axon is the part of the cell that are strectched out.
  • Impulses travels along the axon like a train along a track and each one would be seperate from thr nexy and travels along after one another. Some axon has fatty sheath around them which insulates the axon and makes the impulses travel faster .
  • People would get diseases due to the lose of the use of their muscles because the messages never reach them.
  • This is cause by the multiple sclerosis the fatty sheath that breaks down and make the impulses slow down or may even stop.

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