Sunday, August 14, 2011

3.1 Sexual and Asexual reproduction

  • Sexual Reproduction are sex from male and female, Asexual Reproduction doesn't need the sexes.
  • Sexual Reproduction produces cells called "Gametes" which are sperm cells for male and egg for female and Asexual Reproduction doesn't produce Gametes.
  • In Sexual Reproduction has Meisosis that are half of the chromosones in the Gametes cells. In human for total number of chromosones in adult is 46 per cell and in Gametes is 23 per cell. In Asexual Reproduction there is Mitosis/Binary fission in bacterial cell.
  • Fertilisation fuse would be found in the Sexual Reproduction. There are no fertilisation found in Asexual Reproduction.
  • In Sexual Reproduction variation is broad and in Asexual Reproduction show small amount of variation but the are identical which is "clone".

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