Thursday, June 9, 2011

4.11 Gas Pollution

  • Sulphur dioxide form of SO2, sulphur dioxide as a gas is added to the atmosphere when we have a combustion of fossil fuels in our factory.
  • The burning of fossil fuels such as coal. Gives out sulphur dioxide.Sulphur dioxide production comes from vehicles.
  • Atmosphere which has sulphur dioxide added to water which forms sulphuric acid water which condenses cloud and it's called "acid rain". The tree are often burn by the sulphuric acid.
  • The acid rain make the calcium and magnesium to be leached out of the soil. Acid rain leaches Aluminium and this thickens fish gill mucus making it difficult to get oxygen.
  • Acid rain make the lake to become acidic which reduce the pH, it even effect the fish in the lake by reducing the oxygen from the fish getting oxygen from the water.
  • Carbon monoxide is combine with haemoglobin in the red blood cell to form a molecules "carbamino haemoglobin" the problem is that it block haemoglobin from carrying oxygen.


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  2. acid rain leaches Aluminium and this thickens fish gill mucus making it difficult to get oxygen.
