Monday, March 14, 2011

2.53 Root Structure

  • Branching pattern increasing the surface area for the arbsorbtional of water.
  • The root will branch out and try to find the water source.
  • Smallest end of the roots for the epidermal cells appear to be hair which is called "root hairs".
  • The active transport is the mains movement for atcive minerals.
  • Plant take up water by osmosis recall in osmosis is the water moves by the dilute region to concentrated reigen and thats the movement of water, the dilute region is the soil water surrounding the root hair and the concentrating reigen is created by building up the minerals inside the cells. That's achieve by active transport, so it's a two part process active transport of minerals and osmosis of water, water then move across the cortex of the root to the xylem again by osmosis.

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