Friday, February 24, 2012

5.20 Evaluate the potential for using cloned transgenic animals, for example to produce commercial quantities of human antibodies or organs for transplantation

·         Animals that are clone are genetically identical and transgenic/ DNA commercial antibodies.
·         Use restriction enzyme to cut the gene of human (antibody production).
·         In the egg is to knock out the cow antibody reproduction gene and then add the human gene.
·         Cow cell will develop by mitosis to form the clone of cells an embryo which transferred to the serrated mother which will genetically produce calves.
·         The antibodies are collected in the milk. Human anybody: large commercial scale.

5.19 Describe the stages in the production of cloned mammals involving the introduction of a diploid nucleus from a mature cell into an enucleated egg cell, illustrated by Dolly the sheep

·         Dolly is the clone and it’s identical.
·         This is clone by removing the cell (diploid cell). Nucleus contains all genetic information.
·         Different animals treated to egg, tends to divide. Take the nucleus so, its enucleated.
·         We take the cells and fuse them together and by mitosis we get the blastula (embryonic sheep we start).
·         Then embryo put in the serrated mother and gives a birth sheep which is young sheep ‘Dolly’. Pair is clone even though their age is different.

5.18 Understand how micropropagation can be used to produce commercial quantities of identical plants (clones) with desirable characteristics

·         Plant has characteristic, commercial desired.
·         Sexual reproduction which lead to variation: less of qualities.
·         Cloning technique: get many plant of same quality and product is the same.
·         The technique is micro propagation.
·         This is converted in 5.17 notes.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

5.17 Describe the process of micro propagation (tissue culture) in which small pieces of plants (explants) are grown in vitro using nutrient media

·         Micro propagation is cloning.
·         We take the tissue from root and shoot. Aseptic condition.
·         We cut the tissue in many small parts (both roots and shoots).
·         Then put it in the nutrient agar minerals which will have rooting compounds and plant hormones.
·         The end it would be small clone and grow on (clone genetically identical).

5.16 Recall that the term ‘transgenic’ means the transfer of genetic material from one species to a different species

·         5.13 transgenic is bacterial DNA that has plasma inside.
·         Human insulin gene has a switch.
·         5.15 maize DNA that transferred the bacterial into the cell to be toxin.
·         This helps to kill the corkborer.
·         These are the 2 example of transgenic.

5.15 Evaluate the potential for using genetically modified plants to improve food production (illustrated by plants with improved resistance to pests)

·         Maize- damage by larvae Europe corkborer: 28% less of crop yield.
·         Bacterial gene when switch on is bacterial toxin known to kill the corkborer larvae.
·         Restriction enzyme to the bacterial gene and chop the gene out for the toxin.
·         This has to be transferred to the cell of the maize plant. The ‘gene gun’ involves taking tiny particle of gold to fire out the plant cell.
·         The plant cell gets the gene when switch on is toxin and kill the larvae which gives the maize resistance to corkborer.

5.14 Understand that large amounts of human insulin can be manufactured from genetically modified bacteria that are grown in a fermenter

·         Human DNA is insulin gene.
·         Culture of the bacteria is the large population will be injected into the ferment.
·         To control the temperature, pH and the nutrients. The bacteria manufacture the protein insulin.
·         Amino acid would be important.
·         The product is purification- downstream processing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5.12 Describe the use of restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific sites and ligase enzymes to join pieces of DNA together

·         Restriction enzyme is able to cut the DNA.
·         Cut the DNA at a particular position and it will be restriction enzyme.
·         DNA ligase able to join the DNA together.
·         The restriction cuts.
·         The DNA ligase joins.

5.11 Understand that animals with desired characteristics can be developed by selective breeding

·         Desired->> milk yield. 50ml for some cows, 150ml for some cows but most cows produce 100 ml of milk.
·         Farmer collects all milk but leave the 150ml for breeding cows.
·         New generation produce 100ml, 150ml and 200ml of milks.
·         Cows produce high yield become breeding population so, they are selected.
·         Next generation produce 150ml, 200mll and 250ml. develop desired characteristic by selective breeding which is milk yield=genetic genes.

5.10 Understand that plants with desired characteristics can be developed by selective breeding

·         Some plants have 6 grains per stem, others have 8 grains per stem and other still has 10 grains per stem.
·         Farmer decision is to harvest this grain (6 and 8 grains per stem) but the 10 grains are for planting.
·         Next generation of rice it would increase to 8, 10, 12 grains per stem and gravest (8 and 10 grains) but the 12 grains are for selective planting and breeding.
·         The rice gradually increases so, the yield increase.
·         This is example of selective breeding.

5.9 Explain the methods which are used to farm large numbers of fish to provide a source of protein, including maintenance of water quality, control of intraspecific and interspecific predation, control of disease, removal of waste products, quality and frequency of feeding and the use of selective breeding

·         Fish farming-low fat and high protein.
·         They are efficient of turning there nutrients into fish mass.
·         Plus side fish farming allowed us to control quality of water-clean, we can control predators, we can reduce pests and another form of diseases.
·         By controlling these factors we contributed to an increase of a yield of fish.
·         High density of fish than the possibility is the transmitting use anti-biotic for human health make pests so, farmer use pesticides and it’s also concerned among human.

5.8 Interpret and label a diagram of an industrial fermenter and explain the need to provide suitable conditions in the fermenter, including aseptic precautions, nutrients, optimum temperature and pH, oxygenation and agitation, for the growth of microorganisms

·         In between the 2 jacket there is water (cooling jacket) which cools down the reaction. Optimum conduction.
·         An inlet is where the steam going in. heating plate to raise the temperature in the tank (heater).
·         The combination of cooling jacket and heater is to get the optimum condition for the fermentation. A pipe to insert nutrients for microorganism.
·          There would be temperature probe. The microorganism would go in the tank and there would be pH probe.
·         We have a method to clean the tank, method to introduce microorganism, a tap to introduce nutrients and a probe f to tell the pH temperature, heater for the jacket. There would be stirring to mix the mixture. ‘Optimum growth condition’. The drained product which is downstream processing purification.

5.7 Understand the role of bacteria (Lactobacillus) in the production of yoghurt

  • Cow->>milk production->> TB ( The process of pasteurization.
  • This heat treatment kills of any pathogens which are in the milk.
  • The milk sugar are converted into lactic acid which is brought about by 45-46oc and to add the lactobacillus. 
  •  Lactobacillus produces the enzymes and lactic acidic is lower pH which is acidic and become milk proteins.
  • Solidify and become yoghurt.

5.5 Understand the role of yeast in the production of beer

·         Beer is ethanol and alcohol molecules.
·         Glucose-> > ethanol + carbon dioxide which this is the form of anaerobic respiration.
·         The microorganism that does this is yeast and yeast is able to supply the enzymes to bring about this convention. Hops are added to change the flavor.
·         Glucose come from starch, starch is converted to maltose and maltose to glucose.
·         This is the process of sugar

Thursday, February 9, 2012

5.4 understand the reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants

  • Monoculture - field of wheats : they tend to be accessible of pests which crop as there own food sources.
  • The productivity is food and financial. The pesticides -chemicals which kill pests.
Chemicals obtain
Toxic – kill other plants and harm humans
Easy to apply not to different to farm
Bio accumulation
Very effective

  • The moth eat away the cactus.
  • This is called "Biological control"
No toxic chemical involve
Not 100% effective
Less impact on wildlife
Difficult to control

Difficult to match the predator to prey

5.3 understand the use of fertiliser to increase crop yield

  • Fertilisers are nitrate and phosphate.
  • Nitrate are protein and phosphate are DNA membrane.
  • Fertilisers can be divided to 2 group which is organic and artificial fertilisers.
  • Organic are animal waste; cow facades; decomposition. Give crops land nitrate and phosphate.
  • Artificial fertilisers are chemical; potassium nitrate and ammonia nitrate would be solution and at the end the result would be nitrate and phosphate like the organic.

5.2 Understand the effects on crop yield of increased carbon dioxide and increased temperature in glasshouses

  • Rate of photosynthesis =CO2 + H2O----> glucose + oxygen
  • Increasing concentration of CO2 is substrate.
  • Increasing temperature we get it will increase the rate of reactions.
  • The optimum is at the peak of the relationship between the optimum temperature and the rate of reactions.
  • Increasing temperature -avoiding first damage and constant temperature.

5.1 Describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops

  • Solar radiation - source of energy of light. Glasehouses which is all surfaces is glass and allowed light to pass through.
  • Light absorb by the surfaces inside the glass house which is soil.
  • The surfaces would re emitted as heat, heats warm the air.
  • The warm air is kinetic energy and the temperature increases.
  • The warm air would be trap.


Endocrine gland
Target time
Controls water content in blood
Adrenal gland
Helps the body
Developed of female sexual
The lining of uterus
Developed the male sexual
Decrease the glucose in body
