Thursday, October 27, 2011

2.69 Urinary system

  • The urinary system we have 2 kidney the right one and the left one. Each with it's own separate blood supply.
  • Carrying out the process of excretion and filtration osmoregulation.
  • From each kidney there is a tube that lead to the bladder this is called the ureter.
  • The ureter carry urine from the kidney to the bladder.
  • The urine is conducted to the outside of the body to be excreted down the structure called urethra which either travels down the vagina or down through the penis.
*Why is the urine is outside not inside?

2.68b Osmoregulation

  • The fluid which is surround these cells are isotonic.
  • The amount of water going into these cells are equal and remain the same size.
  • In the tissues it will be concentrated.
  • It would be diluted and be Hypotonic.
  • Through our kidney it would be water and salt.
* Why does it excreted salt and water if it's go through the kidnet already?

2.68a Excretion

  • Excretion in kidney. The molecule of urea.
  • Urea contains nitrogen which is toxic to the body and cannot be stored.
  • Amino acids are normally use for growth but the extra amino acids is excess must be remove there toxic.
  • The blood serculated to the liver and the amino acids are converted around whihc is called urea.
  • The kidney will filter the urea from the blood.
*Why does the kidney need to be filter?

2.67b Human organs of Excretion

  •  Lungs would be waste from respiration is carbon dioxide.
  • The kidney is responsoble for the excretion of excess water, molecule urea which is nitrogen waste from amino acids and salt.
  • The skin would give out water, salt and urea. 
  • Salt and water is from sweat.
  • 3 organs of excretions are lungs, kidney and skin.
*Why is it only lungs that givesut CO2?

2.67a Excretion in Plants

  • The process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water which gives off the gas is oxygen.
  • The release of metoballic waste.
  • Respiration is C6H12O6 +O2 which enzym is needed to make this process work.
  • This would form ATP.
  • The waste process is called Excretion.
* What does the ATP stand for?

Friday, October 7, 2011

3.34 Causes of mutation

  • The mutation is the change in the base sequence.
  • There are 2 examples of what cause the changes.
  • First example is radiation, x-rays which is UV-B rays would cause diseases which is skin cancers.
  • Second is chemicals tars which cause cancers.
  • Chemical which cause mutations are called mutagens which cause cancers and they would be called "carcinogen".

3.33 Antibiotic resistance

  • Staphylococcus aureus is skin infection and lung infection.
  • People could use methecilline (antibiotic). Susceptible is kill by methecilline which is MSSA.
  • Random mutation is when the antibiotic apply but the bacteria did not die.
  • We would use resistance which is MRSA.
  • It would increase more bacteria survives and its would be common.

3.32 Types of mutation

  • The process of mutation produce new alleles.
  • The impact of the new alleles is benificial,harmful and neutral (no effect).
  • Benificial e.g. is enzyme.
  • Harmful e.g. is non-functional enzyme.
  • Neutral e.g. is environmental change.

3.31 Evolution

  • The evolution is the change of  the form of organisms and the change of frequency (how many) of alleles.
  • Natural selection is the mechanism of evolution.
  • There are 2 features. Random mutation which produces MRSA.
  • Another feature is non-random selection due to the anti-biotic to surve MRSA and MSSA is select and kill.
  • These two processes are natural selection process.

3.30 Mutations

  • The form of the gene is called " Allele".
  • The order of the chai is change bewteen the 2 diagram. So, it's different kind of proteins.
  • Different effect on the phenotype.
  • This process is called "Mutation".
  • The changes in the base sequence of the chain.

3.29 Species Variation

  • Variation is the differences that we could see in the phenotype and we could measure the differences.
  • The individual phenotype is their genotype and environment. Variation of the population is there variation in genotype and variation in environment.
  • The variation in population or species is the environmental variation.
  • Example: home language.
  • There are 3 scenarios.